Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hanging Fire Reflection...

When my professor first handed out the poem "Hanging Fire" I would of never thought in a million years that it would consist of what it turned out to be. Hanging Fire is an incredible poem who was written by the writer, Audre Lorde. I personally have never heard of her until this very poem but since reading this poem I would totally consider reading more of her stuff. My thoughts on this poem are mixed. When I first read this poem I really thought that it was a suicide note and that this girl was going to commit suicide at the end but I do not believe that happened. The ending really has more of a cliffhanger feel to it and we really don't know what happens in the end. The final stanza is,
I have nothing to wear tomorrow
will I live long enough
to grow up
and momma's in the bedroom with the door closed
This was how the poem ended. Now you tell me what you think? What do you think the author meant by saying that, " I have nothing to wear tomorrow will I live long enough?" In my opinion, I believe that this child was and is suffering from severe neglect and from sever loneliness. I think that she at such a young age is the outcast of the family. It really seems like she is saying that she has not had a role model or even a parent in her life that she can truly look up to and truly call friend. When she says, 
I have to learn to dance 
in time for the next party
my room is too small for me
suppose I die before graduation
they will sing sad melodies 
but finally
tell the truth about me...
I was really challenged by this poem it makes me think really about my life and how blessed I am to have loving parents that take care of me and that love me unconditionally. It makes me think of all the homeless people even here in Lakeland, FL that a lot of times myself included, we shrug them off thinking they just want to buy drugs or alcohol. This poem whether this is what Audre meant by it still spoke to my life personally and really showed me that there are a lot of fourteen year old boys and girls that are crying out to us for help. They are asking that we just care, that we just give a simple smile, that we just give a simple hug. So along with me lets go out and think of what we can do better to help those who are really in need not only in Lakeland, FL but to the ends of the earth.

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