Thursday, February 24, 2011

To a Daughter Leaving Home...

I read a poem which is called To a Daughter Leaving Home and as I read this my mind began to ponder on what it will be like when I have a daughter and for whatever reason she has to leave home. This poem talks about a woman's daughter who is riding a bicycle and who just keeps on riding but never stops. The mother lets her keep going. What causes a question in my mind was within this poem the mom at the end waves goodbye to her without a care in the world. It really confuses me and just really don't know what to think about it. I think in todays culture the daughters are getting out too early which causes them to sin and in this story the daughter seems really young. I'm sure this is meant to be a poem for lets say a college girl, but it also could be meant for someone younger. In the poem it says, "I kept waiting for the thud of your crash as I sprinted to catch up, while you grew smaller, more breakable with distance, pumping, pumping for your life..." These few lines confuse me because I wanna think that the mom cares but at the same time if the mom really cared she would've kept going until she caught up with the daughter. I view this as being something where the mom is letting her daughter go but yet at the same time who would let their daughter leave home at eight years old?

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Getting Lost in Music

Within "Sunny's Blues" one main theme that I loved was how he used Music to be a getaway. When he was facing a problem or when he was in pain emotionally, he always went to music. I can really and strongly relate to this because when I am facing a problem or difficulty, I love to go sit down and play piano. I go write a song or even when I am angry, I go play drums and really take my anger out on them because honestly no one knows. I think music is a big part of this story because it really brought the brothers together in the end. As I read this story it really clicked with me that I am not the only who goes to music to get away from problems such as family problems, relationship problems, school problems, the list could go on and on. In this lifetime we as Christians and even non Christians face so many problems growing up. Not many people are blessed with a good family or even blessed financially and as they go those tough times in life God should be the only get away but for some unsaved people and even saved people; music is a great way to get a away from your problems and just sit down, relax, and just listen to good music that will calm you in your time of struggle. I looked up music on and the definition of music is, an art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, and color. As I read this it really confirmed what I am trying to convey here in this blog. As we live our lives my prayer is that we never forget how important music is to us as humans. Even within "Sunnys Blues" it really brought the brothers together and as they bonded through music maybe this could even work for us. Maybe music will be the bonding point for brothers to become friends again, for relationships to be mended again, just for life to become one. Music is a very important tool that sometimes we take advantage of. Maybe it is time we begin to show our love for music and begin to apply it to our every day lives beginning today?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A Woman's Cry from the 13th Floor

This is a poem that I decided to write trying to think of how the woman from "The Woman on the 13th Floor" was feeling. I picture her in a place of confusion. I can picture her in a place of just not really knowing what to do. The number 13 has really become a significant number for death and for destruction. We think of Friday the 13th, and so many more movies out there with the number 13 meaning death and for some odd reason this woman is hanging from the 13th floor and to me, I wrote this poem thinking of how she was feeling....

Who I Am

Does anyone care to know who I am
because I can't find myself
does anyone hear my cry
because no one is answering it
does anyone care about me
because I feel so lonely and depressed
and at this point
I guess nothing else matters
because I may never know
who I really am

So thats some thinking into what she may have been feeling or questions that she may have had while she was on the 13th floor of loneness. This could apply to us as well. Because sometimes in life we all get to a point where we feel like this and where were on the 13th floor of our life sometimes we need to take a deep breath and get back on the 12th floor and follow the way the God has set out for us.